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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 2019.03.18 ~ 2019.07.31 19주 3일
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 교수자 승인
  • 수료증 미발급

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좋아요 0 수강생 33

교수자 소개

  • 김완두 교수

    경력 사항
    1982년 ~ 현재  한국기계연구원 책임연구원
    2017년 ~ 현재 대한기계학회 회장
    2013년 ~ 현재  UST 겸임 교수
    2011년~ 2013 서울대학교 객원 교수 
    2006년 ~ 현재 국제자연모사심포지움 조직위원장

    학력 사항
    ~ 1993 서울대학교 기계설계 박사
    ~ 1982 서울대학교 기계설계 석사
    ~ 1980 서울대학교 기계설계 학사

  • 임현의 교수

    경력 사항
    2011 ~ 현재 UST 교수
    2012 ~ 2016 충남대학교 겸임 교수
    2003 ~ 현재 한국기계연구원 연구실장 

    학력 사항
    ~ 2002 고려대학교 화학과 박사
    ~ 1996 고려대학교 화학과 석사
    ~ 1993 숙명여자대학교 화학과 학사

  • 오상록 교수

    경력 사항
    2014 ~  제6대 한국과학기술연구원 강릉분원 분원장
    2014     방위사업청 사업자문위원
    2011     한국로봇학회 회장

    학력 사항 
    ~ 1987 카이스트 전자공학 박사
    ~ 1982 카이스트 전자공학 석사
    ~ 1980 서울대학교 전자공학 학사


  1. 01. Introduction of nature-inspired technology
    1. 1. Outline of nature
    1. 2. Terminology & definition
    1. 3. State-of-the Art
    1. Quiz
  2. 02. Taxonomy of nature-inspired technology
    1. 1. Taxonomy I
    1. 2. Taxonomy Ⅱ
    1. 3. Technology tree
    1. Quiz
  3. 03. Nature-inspired functional surface / structure I (wettability)
    1. 1. Structures & surfaces in nature & its surface wettability
    1. 2. Wettability of surfaces
    1. 3. Controlling the wettability of surfaces
    1. Quiz
  4. 04. Nature - inspired surface / structure Ⅱ (optical property)
    1. 1. Optical property of structures in nature
    1. 2. Nature-inspired antireflection
    1. 3. Nature-inspired structural color
    1. Quiz
  5. 05. Nature-inspired technology - materials
    1. 1. Bioinspied materials
    1. 2. Spider silk
    1. 3. Nano fiber
    1. Quiz
  6. 06. Nature-inspired robot 1 - Humanoid
    1. 1. Definition of biomimetic robots
    1. 2. The need for biomemetic robots
    1. 3. Legged locomotion robots
    1. 4. Climbing & gripping robots
    1. 5. Walking & jumping robots
    1. 6. Swimming robots
    1. Quiz
  7. 07. Nature-inspired robot 2 - Animal
    1. 1. Various biomimetic robots & movement principles 2
    1. 2. Biomimetic robot research
    1. 3. Biomimeitc robot research challenge 1
    1. 4. Biomimeitc robot research challenge 2
    1. Quiz
  8. 08. Nature-inspired sensors mimicking human sensory system
    1. 1. Human sensory organ
    1. 2. Artificial human auditory system
    1. 3. Bio-inspired total implantable cochlear system
    1. Quiz
  9. 09. Nature-inspired sensors mimicking animal super sensing organs
    1. 1. Overview of nature-inspired sensors
    1. 2. Animal super sensing organs
    1. 3. Natural-inspired super sensing sensor
    1. Quiz
  10. 10. Nature-inspired harvesting (water)
    1. 1. Method for water harvesting in engineering & nature
    1. 2. Condensation & Nature-inspired water harvesting from air
    1. 3. Applications of condensation phenomena : Anti-icing
    1. Quiz
  11. 11. Data base for nature-inspired technology
    1. 1. Introduction of data base
    1. 2. Data base inventory
    1. 3. Data base - ontology
    1. Quiz
  12. 12. Nature-inspired tissue engineering & 3D bio-printing
    1. 1. 3D printing (bio/medical applications)
    1. 2. Tissue engineering & 3D bio printing technology
    1. 3. Biomimetic tissue & organ
    1. Quiz
  13. 13. Natural-inspired design and architecture
    1. 1. Nature-inspired design
    1. 2. Nature-inspired architecture
    1. 3. Golden ratio in nature & convergence technology
    1. Quiz
  14. 14. Natural-inspired technology - sustainability
    1. 1. Sustainability
    1. 2. Renewable energy & drag reduction
    1. 3. Nature-inspired fluid dynamics
    1. Quiz